My videos are your idea
I believe that you should learn something from every dive. That being said, you can also learn something in between dives… that’s why I am doing this! The video gallery will slowly become an anthology of my stories and a record of my experiences. The initiative of making videos has been boosted by the response of my divers and students… so, thank you all!
Enjoy my free contents about the underwater environment and tips for improving your skills. Check my Youtube channel to access all my playlists!
Individual Diving Skills
This playlist is about how to master the skills necessary to properly displace yourself underwater. Learn how to improve your breathing, buoyancy, trim and propulsion techniques!
If you want to improve your abilities, within your actual certification level, please consider my personal coaching programs!
Diving Tips
Learn extra tricks to improve your equipment, procedures, and more! Some of these videos have been filmed with the help of my divers during our guided tours. If you like the idea of learning something extra during a guided dive, come with us!
My Dives
Have fun watching the stuff I do in the caves! I hope I can make you feel what it means to be in there and entertain you! If you like what you see and have what it takes, you can become a cave diver too! I feel like a real recruiter now!
Sidemount Setup
Choose and set up the best sidemout system for you! This guide will help you buy and adjust your new sidemount, or to improve the one you already have! if you are new to sidemount diving, be smart and take a course with an instructor!
My Equipment Experiments
Watch the experiments I do with new equipment configurations and techniques, to improve efficiency and also to have more fun! Always remember that if you try to be perfect, you are focusing on your Ego… not a great plan! When you focus on efficiency, you have your objective and your team in mind… now you are really getting better! Focus on your priorities!